*We mentioned that John Legend's girlfriend, Chrissy Teigen, had been getting twitter threats from angry Chris Brown fans after she tweeted about his apparent lip-singing performance at the 2012 Billboards.

It seems John had enough of this unnecessary twitter beef, and he stepped up to the plate to defend his woman! In response to Breezy's comments about the haters' "pointless existence," Legend wrote:

"Personally, I don’t think @chrissyteigen’s existence is pointless. Nor anyone else who dares criticize a performance

Every artist has to be ok with the fact that some people won’t like their work. All critics aren’t “haters”

And don’t ever tell me to put my “b-tch on a leash”. She’s a grown woman with her own mind and her own opinions and this is not 1950."

YESSSSS!! We love a man who rides for his lady! SNAP SNAP!

Breezy started out on a positive note by encouraging his fans to stop sending death threats and then ended it with an open handed slap about his haters' "pointless existence," which would only encourage their death threats some more. I mean really now, what kind of message is that!? Perhaps after all turmoil, Breezy is just...paranoid? John has a point though, at the end of the day not everyone is gonna be #TeamBreezy! or #TeamLipSing for that matter. Chrissy replied John's tweets with "now that’s a man you want to marry." Aww!

What do you guys think of John's defense? Will it put an end to the drama? Share your thoughts below and check out the full story here
John Legend Comes To Girlfriend’s Rescue!


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