The trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s sci-fi adventure, “Pacific Rim,” opening July 12, starring Idris Elba has been released.

*There’s recently been extra positive buzz surrounding Pacific Rim – as stirred up by star Idris Elba and the co-writing duo of Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton (Saw IV-VII).

Between snagging a Golden Globe for his work on the TV series Luther and promoting Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Elba’s been kept plenty busy while not working on Pacific Rim in recent months.

However, he recently managed to find time to tease the (as del Toro has called them) “top notch monsters” which will be making an appearance in the latter project.

Elba offered the following to MTV, when asked about how Pacific Rim‘s creatures compare to Godzilla:
"It’s hard to say. Godzilla would throw out the wrong sort of image, I think. We are talking about some big MF-ers… There’s a lot of actuality in ['Pacific Rim'] because [del Toro has] created huge sets. I mean, we’ve taken over four sets in Pinewood in Toronto and built a lot of the stuff that you might see. Yes, there is huge CGI I’m sure, but we built a lot of stuff too.”Besides Elba, the “Pacific Rim” cast also includes Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Ron Perlman."
Bear in mind: nobody who has worked (or is currently working on) Pacific Rim would be likely to voice their concerns or complaints about the project, while it’s in the midst of production. So, as is the case with any big-budget tentpole release, it’s best to not swallow all this hype whole.

So what’s it about you ask? Well, when legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end, threatening the Earth's existence, giant robots piloted by humans are deployed to fight off the menace..

Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse. And now that you know that, check out the trailer:

That said, everything revealed or mentioned about this project to date (in terms of scale, design, and thematic quality) has sounded very promising at best and attention-worthy at the least. As far as we here at Screen Rant are concerned, this is already one of our more anticipated titles of 2013.

Look for Pacific Rim to invade theaters around 12 July in the US & UK


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